Our Events
Homeownership Fair
We organize a quarterly homeownership fair where potential home buyers can meet with lenders, real estate agents, and other professionals involved in the home buying process. These fairs can provide an opportunity for people to ask questions and learn about the home buying process in a friendly and welcoming environment.
Financial Literacy Workshops for Youth
We host workshops for youth on financial literacy topics such as saving, investing, and managing money. These workshops can provide valuable knowledge and skills to young people who may not have access to financial education in their schools or communities.
Home Repair and Renovation Clinic
We hold quarterly clinics where residents of dilapidated communities can get free advice on home repair and renovation projects. These clinics can help residents make necessary repairs to their homes, which can improve their quality of life and increase the value of their properties.
Home Buyer Workshops
We hold a quarterly workshop to educate potential home buyers on the process of buying a home, including topics such as mortgage options, credit scores, and home inspections. These workshops can provide valuable information to people who may not have access to this kind of education otherwise.
Credit Counseling Workshops
Offer quarterly credit counseling services to help people who may be struggling with their credit scores. These services can provide guidance on improving credit scores, disputing errors, and creating a plan to pay off debt.
Food and Necessities Drive
This is an ongoing effort where we have various drop off locations where the greater community is able to assist us in providing the disadvantaged families that we serve with sustainable items such as canned goods and toiletries.